Basic unit
0.03 kg
Expiration date:

Niaouli oil is extracted from the leaves and young twigs of the niaouli shrub (Melaleuca quinquenervia), which occurs naturally mainly around Australia and Papua New Guinea. Although the oil shows excellent health-promoting properties, not everyone will appreciate its interesting fragrance. The peculiar combination of sweet, woody, camphor, earthy and slightly spicy aromas is reminiscent of tea oil - but that's about it as far as similarities go. Instead, Niaouli provides an excellent base for other fragrances.

Niaouli oil - properties

Niaouli oil exhibits antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It will certainly prove useful as part of supportive therapy in the course of skin diseases - it stimulates tissue regeneration. Applied topically to imperfections, it will dry out the lesions, accelerate healing and support the epidermal renewal process. Used preventively, it tones and nourishes the complexion - for this purpose you can add a few drops of oil to your favorite cream or tonic.

It is also recommended during an upper respiratory tract infection - it will reduce congestion and swelling of the mucous membranes. Used in the form of inhalation, it will make breathing easier, while cleansing and improving indoor air quality. It will be suitable for a traditional fireplace or diffuser.

The oil is often used in aromatherapy. It is considered a highly stimulating product. It stimulates, restores energy and helps to concentrate. It can prove indispensable if the problem is recurrent headaches, migraines or chronic fatigue. A pleasant bath or a relaxing massage will stimulate the senses, refresh the mind and regenerate the body.

Origin of raw material: A close relative of the tea tree. It is an endemic tree of Australia.

INCI: Melaleuca Quinquenervia Oil

Action: antiseptic, regenerative, stimulating, anti-migraine

Aroma: camphoraceous, earthy, muddy

Color: colorless to light yellow

Note: heart

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, for inhalation, in a diffuser

Contraindications: do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Matching oils: eucalyptus, fennel, orange, thyme

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