Basic unit
0.02 kg
Expiration date:

Marjoram oil extracted from marjoram lembi is an emotional soother. A distracted mind can benefit from its health-promoting effects on the body. It has a relaxing effect and calms jangled nerves, allowing for a satisfying rest after a stressful day. It improves mood and brings tranquility, so it can be used in moments of anxiety, doubt or worse mood.

Marjoram oil - properties

The diuretic nature of marjoram oil helps speed up the work of the kidneys, thereby removing the accumulated excess salt, sodium and other harmful substances in the body.

The product also works well for digestive problems, as it prevents bloating.

The oil can be taken by inhalation or through a relaxing bath and massage. Its natural composition supports the functioning of the body and eliminates painful conditions, bringing solace to a tired body and mind. The analgesic, antibacterial and antiseptic preparation is worth reaching for during infections or recurring headaches.

Origin of raw material: Garden-leaved-leaved-is native to the Mediterranean basin. It currently grows wild only in Turkey and Cyprus.

INCI: Origanum Majorana Flower Oil

Action: mood-enhancing, relaxing, anti-anxiety

Aroma: herbal, sweet, woody

Color: colorless to light yellow

Note: heart

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, for inhalation, in a diffuser

Contraindications: do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Matching oils: bergamot, cypress, lavender, rosemary

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