Basic unit
0.04 kg
Expiration date:

Yuzu essential oil is an extract extracted from the peel of a small citrus fruit (Citrus junos). The plant is native to China, but is used traditionally in Japan, where it is not only a medicinal resource, but an integral part of the culture. Although mainly known in Asia, it is slowly gaining popularity in other parts of the world. The plant and its extract are used in two (most important) ways - in cooking and aromatherapy, as the fruit is too sour to be eaten raw.

Yuzu oil - properties

Yuzu oil is traditionally used for bathing, especially in winter, when the incidence of colds and flu increases. The product is worth having on hand all year round, as it carries many health benefits. It has a positive effect on muscles and joints - relieves pain and fights inflammation. Often used in the care of skin lacking vitality, it relieves signs of fatigue and is sometimes helpful in the care of oily and problematic skin.

Yuzu will also bring excellent results in aromatherapy. Often described as a cross between the scents of tangerine, grapefruit, lime and bergamot, it is harmonious and surprisingly warm. It lifts spirits, helps with depression and anxiety, relieves nervous tension and sleep problems. When inhaled, it supports respiratory functions and exhibits immune-stimulating activity, and when applied topically, it reduces minor skin irritations.

Yuzu essential oil is an excellent base for creating tropical compositions, and blends perfectly with mint, floral and citrus extracts, to which it gives additional depth. Alone or in combination, the oil is certainly worth your attention.

Origin of raw material: Yuzu is native to Japan, China. Nowadays it is cultivated in Asia and in the United States.

INCI: Citrus Junos Peel Oil

Action: anti-inflammatory, soothing, calming

Aroma: fresh, complex, citrusy

Color: green to olive green

Note: head

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, in a diffuser, for inhalation

Contraindications: may irritate sensitive skin. Do a topical test when using for the first time. Do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Matching oils: tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, lime

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