Basic unit
0.03 kg
Expiration date:

Petitgrain oil is obtained from the leaves of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium amara). Other valuable oils - orange and neroli - are also obtained from the same tree, the former from the rind of the fruit, the latter from the flowers. Although it happens that the oils are put on an equal footing, they are very different. Not only in composition and properties, but also in scent. Petitgrain oil has its own unique, unmistakable aroma, which is a combination of fresh, floral, spicy and herbaceous notes with a delicate citrus finish.

Petitgrain oil - properties

It has a rich chemical composition - the main elements are linalyl acetate (up to 65%) and linalool (about 20%). The extract has a strong antiseptic effect, and can be applied to minor wounds and cuts. It also affects the central nervous system, relaxes, reduces somatic symptoms caused by stress (such as palpitations and hand tremors).

The oil regulates sebum secretion (and at the same time does not over-dry the skin) and perfectly tones, so it will be good for demanding care of combination and oily skin. It will nourish, regenerate and brighten gray and tired skin - just add a few drops of the product to your favorite cosmetics. It can also be used as a rinse for hair (especially hair that tends to get oily) - it is excellent deodorizer and refresher.

Used in aromatherapy, it improves mood, adds energy and stimulates. During a bath or massage, it will relieve nervous tension and calm you down, while regenerating your skin. Regular aromatherapy can help relieve depression, anxiety or insomnia - petitgrain oil will perfectly clear the atmosphere - literally and figuratively.

Origin of raw material: Bitter orange is native to Southeast Asia and is grown there in the greatest quantity.

INCI: Citrus Aurantium Leaf Oil

Action: calming, relaxing, tonic

Aroma: fresh, sweet, slightly tart, floral and woody in the background

Color: colorless to light yellow

Note: head

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, for inhalation, in a diffuser

Contraindications: do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women. May exhibit phototoxic effects.

Matching oils: cypress, lemon eucalyptus, patchouli, sage

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