Basic unit
0.04 kg
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Thyme oil is a product obtained from the herb of the common thyme. It has antiseptic, antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It has an expectorant effect, stimulating the movement of the cilia that lining the respiratory tract. It is recommended for coughs and respiratory infections. It stimulates blood circulation and raises blood pressure. It has an analgesic effect in sore throat and inflammation of the mouth. It is helpful in rheumatism and arthritis. It increases the body's resistance to infection. When applied to the skin, it has a disinfectant effect.

Thyme oil - properties

Thyme oil can be used in the form of inhalations, rubs, baths and compresses. Therapeutic baths with thyme oil have a stimulating effect on the immune system, warm and disinfect the respiratory tract. Their use will speed up the treatment of colds and infections, reduce inflammation and make it easier to fall asleep.

It is helpful in rheumatism and arthritis. When applied to the skin, it has a disinfectant effect. Mixed with a base oil, thyme oil can be used in the form of rubs and massages, which are great for relieving muscle and joint pain.

In the course of throat infections or problems with bad breath, it is recommended to make daily gargles with the addition of a few drops of thyme essential oil. These will help reduce swelling and speed up the recovery of the mucous membranes. Note that the essential oil is a highly concentrated product, so it is not recommended to consume it. Also, when applied to the skin, the oil should be dissolved in water, carrier oil or added to ready-made creams or ointments.

Origin of raw material: Thyme matricaria - is one of the oldest known herbs. It originated in the Mediterranean basin. Today, it is grown in a wide variety of regions around the world.

INCI: Thymus Vulgaris Oil

Action: antiseptic, deodorizing, aids upper respiratory tract function

Aroma: fresh, herbal, mildly apothecary aroma

Color: transparent to light yellow

Note: heart

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, for inhalation,in a diffuser

Contraindications: do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Do not use with high blood pressure.

Matching oils: anise, eucalyptus, cumin, niaouli

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