Basic unit
0.04 kg
Expiration date:

Tangerine essential oil has a long history of use in the health practices of ancient cultures, but it can still be used successfully today. Cold-pressed from the fruit of the Citrus tangerina tree, it brings refreshment and emotional calm. Tangerine fruit is often confused with the well-known tangerine (after all, they belong to the same botanical family). Although they look very similar, the fruit has a different taste and smell, and so do the essential oils.

Tangerine oil - properties

Essential oil promotes the health and proper function of the respiratory system, not only for infections. It is sometimes applied to minor wounds to protect scratches from infection. It can help remove toxins from the body during a massage and is sure to improve the mood in the bath. It soothes headaches, gently tones, makes the skin soft and supple, and leaves a beautiful, long-lasting scent. Note that it should not be used before direct exposure to sunlight, as it can cause irritation.

It has a refreshing, tart, yet sweet and pleasant aroma, and is concentrated and intense. With distinct citrus notes that are a combination of mandarin and orange, the extract is often described by aromatherapy enthusiasts as joyful. It stimulates, invigorates and facilitates focus. It combats irritability and anxiety, and levels the fatigue of everyday life.

The oil is used as an ecological cleaner and home freshener. It removes dirt, leaving a wonderful, fresh aroma in every, even the most "problematic" corner.

Origin of raw material: Tangerine is native to Morocco. It currently grows in Italy, Brazil and Spain.

INCI: Citrus Tangerina Peel Oil

Action: tonic, calming, refreshing

Aroma: fresh, sweet, citrusy

Color: green to orange

Note: head

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, in a diffuser, for inhalation

Contraindications: may irritate sensitive skin. Perform a topical test when using for the first time. Do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. It has a photosensitizing effect, so do not expose skin to sunlight after application.

Matching oils: basil, black pepper, fennel, neroli

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