Basic unit
0.02 kg
Expiration date:

Caraway oil (Carum carvi L.) is extracted from the ripe and dried fruits of caraway, which is considered one of the most important herbal plants. Although it is native to the Mediterranean and northern regions of Africa, today the plant can be found virtually everywhere. The main ingredient of the oil is cumin aldehyde, which is responsible for the characteristic, distinctive fragrance - slightly herbal and sweet, and at the same time spicy with a delicate hint of pepper. It is sure to be loved by lovers of sophisticated and non-obvious aromas.... With health-promoting properties.

Caraway oil - properties

Caraway oil shows strong antimicrobial activity. Numerous studies have confirmed that it perfectly fights bacteria (both aerobic and anaerobic), fungi and yeast - so it will work great as an adjunctive therapy for dermatological problems. It can be used on minor wounds, small abrasions and cuts.

The oil is often used in professional skin care cosmetics, perfumes. It is of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry - it solves many gastric problems (especially gastrointestinal).

Caraway oil plays a huge role in aromatherapy - it calms, soothes and introduces a pleasant atmosphere. It can be used during a massage or bath. It is perfect for inhalation (e.g. using an aromatherapy fireplace or diffuser), especially in the course of upper respiratory tract infections or rhinitis - it will facilitate breathing and help remove lingering secretions. Used regularly, it improves air quality and refreshes rooms - effectively and for a long time.

Origin of raw material: Caraway grows wild in areas of North Africa, Europe as well as Asia, Australia.

INCI: Carum Carvi Seed Oil

Action: anti-inflammatory, pain reducing, sedative

Aroma: sweet, spicy, herbal

Color: colorless to pale yellow

Note: heart

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, for inhalation, in a diffuser

Contraindications: do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Matching oils: coriander, fennel, green mint, oregano

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