Basic unit
0.04 kg
Expiration date:

Spearmint oil is a product obtained by steam distillation of the spearmint herb. It has anti-bacterial, anti-diarrheal and anti-inflammatory effects. It is helpful for colic, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome. It alleviates symptoms of depression and nervous exhaustion. It improves memory and concentration.

Green spearmint oil - properties

Green spearmint oil can be used on the skin, in the form of inhalations, compresses and as a bath additive. To combat a blocked nose, all you need is a few drops of the oil on a tissue or in a safe place on a pillow or comforter. Place the product away from the eyes, as it can cause redness and irritation.

Spearmint oil can be safely used in inhalation or as an ingredient in facial steam. In the form of massage, the oil should be used in combination with a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation caused by the concentrated oil.

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it cleanses the skin and helps fight acne and dandruff. It stimulates drainage of the lymphatic system, reduces swelling and promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

Origin of raw material: Green mint is native to the Mediterranean regions.

INCI: Mentha Spicata Herb Oil

Effect: refreshing, deodorizing, mood-enhancing, relaxing

Aroma: minty, fresh, delicately fruity

Color: light yellow to light gray-olive

Note: head

Recommended application: for massage, for inhalation, for bath, in a diffuser

Contraindications: Do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Matching oils: lemon, eucalyptus, cumin, rosemary

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