Basic unit
0.03 kg
Expiration date:

Cayeput oil is obtained by distilling the leaves (and sometimes the twigs) of trees in the genus Myrtaceae (species Melaleuca leucadendra and, somewhat less commonly, Melaleuca cajuputi). The name seems quite exotic, and simply refers to the light-colored wood of the raw material. The oil has an intense and very complex fragrance. You can easily sense a wealth of aromas - from fresh and fruity notes, to camphor, rosemary or cardamom. However, a beautiful fragrance is not everything, the extraordinary properties are also worth noting.

Cayeput oil - properties

Cayeput oil has many valuable properties that will find use in several common problems. Certainly, it is worth reaching for the product in case of respiratory infections (such as cold, flu) or sinusitis. Inhalation will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and make breathing easier.

The oil is often an ingredient in ointments used for muscle and joint pain of various origins. It shows a warming effect, and will certainly prove useful as part of complementary therapy for rheumatism and arthritis. It also has a not insignificant role in cosmetics and related fields. The oil exhibits antiseptic properties, so when applied topically it can help with acne or minor skin imperfections. The product also shows effectiveness against ringworm.

It is commonly used in aromatherapy. It stimulates and improves concentration, and will work well in situations that require focus. It fights drowsiness, adds energy - the extract can be used both in a traditional fireplace and in a modern diffuser, as well as during baths and massages to combine pleasure with utility.

Origin of raw material: A species closely related to the tea tree. It is an endemic plant of Australia.

INCI: Melaleuca Leucadendron Cajuputi Leaf Oil

Action: anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing

Aroma: fresh, camphor-like, mildly fruity

Color: colorless to yellow

Note: heart

Recommended application: for massage, for bath, for inhalation, in a diffuser

Contraindications: do not use in case of any wounds or irritation. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Matching oils: eucalyptus, bud clove, camphor, clary sage

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